Historical brief:
Fashion history is the history of people. People have loved clothing fashion for thousands of years. From the early days of Egypt to the day clothes have become the expression of who we are. Throughout history, drawings, documents and other archaeological finds have also revealed fashion worn by people in various ancient civilizations.
We started our business since 2005, manufacture clothes and wholesale, as producers of clothes and women fashion designs that we focused on because we are believing that women's fashion is one of the best ways of creativity and passion, we have made many challenges, we worked hard to achieve the best quality, better than any competitors with affordable prices, providing to you a suitable product for all people.
The quality of being the only one of its kind. we keep in mind Uniqueness that is required in our products designed by the best designers, all we care about is you to be a unique and elegant."
VIKIK's Journey Toward 100% Sustainable Cotton